Course Day – February 1, 2020 Date: Saturday, February 1, 2020 Fee: $75.00 per person payable via credit card or Paypal account using this form. Fee is non-refundable unless event or course is cancelled. Location: American Philatelic Society 100 Match Factory Place Bellefonte, PA Course Selection (required): You can only take one part and they must be taken in order (i.e., Part I before Part II). Part IPart IIPart IIIGraduate Your Full Name (required): Your Badge Name (required): The name you want others to call you (i.e., your first name). Your Address (required): Your City (required): Your State (required): Your Zip (required): Best Telephone Number to Reach You (required): Your Email (required): Your Rotary Club (required): Your District Number (required): Years in Rotary (required): Special Dietary Needs (required): We will contact you if "Yes". NoYes Terms and Conditions (required): Registration fee ($75.00) is non-refundable unless event or course cancelled. District 7305 Leadership is reimbursing District 7305 Rotarians $50 of their registration fee. Their procedure requires the participant to register, pay and complete the Course Day. Afterwards, the District will issue reimbursement to entity making payment (Rotarian, Club, etc.). I Agree To and Accept Terms and Conditions [recaptcha]